Religious Education
JLCCS is dedicated to the emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual development of the student. Every week, the school gathers to celebrate Mass. JLCCS teachers work with each student to foster an understanding of his or her personal and spiritual relationship with God, and the need to nurture this relationship into a mature and socially responsible lifestyle as adults. Each year the school completes over 750 hours of focused spiritual development through faith formation. This does not include school mass, retreats, faith events, regular school prayers in the morning and at meal times and daily opportunities of weaving faith into every subject.
Faith also serves as the foundation for our service to the community. Eighth graders, Student Council, and NJHS complete service projects throughout the year. Many students also choose to serve in weekly Masses as servers, readers, Communion ministers, and ushers.
Embracing Diverse Faiths
Although James L Collins is a Catholic school, we recognize that our students share a diversity of racial, economic, and religious backgrounds. Our goal is to nurture in all students an understanding of their personal faith as well as to embrace this diversity. While Catholic principles guide our teaching, we welcome students from all faith backgrounds and encourage them to share and explore their own beliefs.
Our school ultimately forms individuals who are capable of putting faith into action within their daily lives.