As we prepare for the upcoming school year, we wanted to put our important information all in one place for you.
Summer Office Hours:
Our office will be open Monday through Thursday from 8:30am to 12:30pm. We will be closed on Fridays. Faculty/Staff in-service begins on July 31st.
School Supply List & Uniform Updates
The YMCA Aftercare program is hosted at our school from 3:30pm to 5:30pm Monday through Friday. Students will have a snack, work on homework, and participate in activities. If you are interested in your child being enrolled, please fill out an enrollment form and take it to the Corsicana YMCA to sign up. This program is for kindergarten through 8th grade students.
Non-Member of the YMCA: $280 (siblings are 50% off $280)
Member of the YMCA: $200 (siblings are 50% off $200)
Back to School Dates:
Meet the Teacher Night - August 5th 6pm to 8pm
First Day of School - August 7th (full day)
Don't forget to download the JLCCS app to stay up to date with photos, lunch menus, events, photos and more.
Amazon Teacher WishLists
These will posted on Facebook and as a news item shortly!
Staffing Updates:
We would like to welcome new staff members and also highlight some changes:
Our new principal is Mrs. Laura Whiteside.
Mrs. Mary Lou Smith is moving from preschool to serve as our religion teacher for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade.
Miss Carolina Hernandez is moving from elementary religion to serve as our new music teacher.
Mrs. Janna Massarelli is returning to JLCCS to be our new preschool teacher. She will be joined by our preschool aides: Mary Garza (returning) and Angela Huerta (coming back to staff).
Mrs. Karla Guzman has returned to campus and will be our first-grade teacher again.
Mrs. Caroline Southard is joining our staff as our new second grade teacher.
Mrs. Kay Lynn Harris and Mrs. Amy Gibbs will be co-teaching our third-grade class together this year.
Mr. John Arnold will be our STEM SmartLab & IT Coordinator for this coming year.
Mrs. Savannah Gilburt will be our middle school religion and social studies teacher for this year coming year.
More Updates on Campus:
Our bus barn was recently completed, so now both of our buses have a safe place to park that will protect them from the elements. We are still in the process of working to have our windows replaced in the middle school and elementary hallways.
Mrs. Whiteside has ordered the new math curriculum for our school (Saxon Math) since we received the Westerman Foundation grant.
Ms. Starek has ordered over a hundred new books for our library through your support of our Read-a-thon & Book Fair.
Additionally, Mrs. Heard has ordered several new items for the cafeteria including a serving buffet and milk carton cooler since we received the Koch Foundation grant.
We are so grateful for the ways that we have been blessed and we cannot wait to see our students back on campus.