74% of faculty members have over 20 years of teaching experience. 45% of our faculty members have advance degrees.
Faculty and Staff
When you are looking at schools, we know that you expect to trust the teachers who will care, guide and educate your child over the course of the school year. All of our faculty members at JLCCS are certified teachers with degrees. In addition, they continue their passion for learning by attending conferences, workshops, and professional development opportunities to bring back innovative ideas to engage our students and give them the best overall curriculum that we can offer.
The Diocese of Dallas Catholic Schools Office provides JLCCS with tremendous support with administration, curriculum and accreditation. All of our faculty and staff members complete background checks and regular ongoing training (including safe environment and emergency response). We believe in inclusion on campus and weaving Christian principles into every subject. We look forward to partnering with you to meet your students’ needs.